Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I don't know how to be simple

I need to actually care for someone. My friends, my family. Those I've let down, those I've ignored, those who love.

It comes without a reason. Today, I found out people don't need to have a reason to love/care for others. Not because cheering someone else makes them happy. Its simply because they want to cheer you up.

But you know, you don't care. You don't, at all.
So I shouldn't care at all, not until you do. Because caring wrecked everything in me. How that happened is unimaginable. How I can let my emotions carry me away, it's unimaginable.

I was thinking about the few friends I've lost (who used to be really important to me but somehow we just don't talk anymore). I wonder if I was the problem, or what happened. It's hard to explain here.

I wish my life was simple. I wish I didn't complicate matters.
I wish I knew what simplicity was. I know its beautiful, but..

I don't know how to be simple.

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